DROS Store Policies

Dealer Record of Sale (DROS) Store Policies

The following are E2’s Gun Vault store policies regarding DROS status:

Approved - We deliver the firearm within the timeframe allowed by the DROS application.

Delayed - Wait. We are not given any reason for the delay.

Rejected - Either you are trying to do more than 1 in 30 or there is a DMV issue. We will issue a full refund (minus DROS fees) UNLESS the customer requests we run DROS after 1 in 30 and/or DMV issues are resolved.

Denied - We will issue a refund minus the 20% restocking fee and minus DROS fees.

Undetermined - WE DO NOT DELIVER ON UNDETERMINED. We will issue a full refund (minus DROS fees) UNLESS the customer requests one of the following:

  • Re-run DROS. We charge the DROS fees and run the application again. We will only do this one time. If Undetermined a second time a Live Scan or Refund are the only options.
  • Wait for Live Scan results. Customer will get a live scan done and will return with a clean scan.
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